Personalized Health & Lifestyle Coaching

To Uncover Your Unique Path to Victory!

Hey! I'm Victoria Dorsano

Your body is unique

Why shouldn’t your approach to health be the same? I help you to cut through the diet fads & influencer-fueled campaigns to bring you coaching that works with your unique body & mind so you can achieve the victory you know you’re capable of.


So, How Can I Help You Be Victorious?

I Need a Coach I Can Trust & See Results With

1:1 Private Coaching

Ready to break old patterns, drop the self-sabotaging behaviors, & commit to transforming your health from the inside-out?

Learn More

I’d Love a Meal Plan to get Started

Done-For-You Meal Plans & Meal Prep Guides

Done-for-you meals plans & workbooks to help you crush your health & nutrition goals.

Learn More

Client Praise

Hear from my clients!

Working with Victoria was always very pleasant, enjoyable, comfortable, easy, and we definitely met my goals.


I think the biggest difference I noticed between Victoria and other nutritionists was on the kickoff call we had. She was the only one who went beyond food and goals questioning. Victoria took the time to get to know me. She not only asked about my diet, but my lifestyle. She asked questions about my wife and the decisions we make together as a family. Because at the end of the day, all of that impacts overall health and wellness.


Working with Victoria has been a total game-changer for me and I'm forever grateful!

Dina Occupational Therapist, Business Owner

Soooo worth your time and money!

Sue Spanish Teacher, Language Extraordinaire, Life Enthusiast

Are you an ambitious business owner who is ready to finally find an approach to managing their health & weight that works FOR them and not AGAINST them?

cough cough... unlike keto... cough cough

I can show you how

Do you ever feel...

like you spend all your time helping others

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

like you’ve tried a thousand-and-one different diets and techniques

but still have no clue how to actually feel comfortable in your own skin?

you just wish you had someone you could lean on

to guide you to the health and mental clarity you need to live your most successful & balanced life?

I have an important message for you…

You’re not the problem.

The Wellness Industry is.

Hi, I'm Victoria!‍

I'm a Professional and Certified Life and Health Coach who has been on a mission to help my clients get off the hamster wheel and onto their own fast track to victory.

With years of studies, client successes, and coaching education under my belt, I am dedicated to making a successful life a reality for all of my clients. It’s time that you are looked at as a whole being, not just a number on a scale, a diagnosis, or a procedure code.

I take an empirical, no-bullshit approach to understanding the many complexities of our health, and boil them down into tried-and-true frameworks for you to apply to your own journey.

If you’re fed up with feeling out-of-control in your health, or powerless in portions of your life, I think it’s time we talk.

Now is your time to be victorious.

Get in touch

"I was able to view my health & life through a completely different lens..."

I've really enjoyed working with Victoria as she is very personable and gives off a lot of positive energy. She asks a lot of questions that prompt you to really get to the core of what is holding you back, and then provides you the guidance to create action to move forward differently. Beyond that, she takes a personal interest in what you're doing and what is going on in your life, which encourages your involvement and you become partners in your pursuit of a healthy lifestyle.


Registered Nurse, Writer, Artist

Personalized Health & Life Coaching to create sustainable change & long-term transformation of the mind, body, & spirit.

It’s time you paved your OWN unique path to Victory - not someone else’s.

Ready to Have Your Most Productive Week Yet? Snag my 4-Step Guide!

If you ever find yourself lacking time and energy to focus on what matters (like hitting the gym and eating healthy meals), you need my easy-to-implement guide.

Simply click on the button to below to fill in your info and I'll send you my top 4 hacks to help you crush your week and your goals!

Get my 4-step guide!

Helpful Resources & Freebies!

Whether you're looking for more energy in your days, unclear on where to even begin, or trying to handle overwhelm, we have the resources for you! Looking for support with something else?

Send us a message so we can make sure your questions are answered!

Review of The Solo Tib Bar from The Tib Bar Guy


October 26, 2022



January 7, 2022

What's The Healthiest Sugar?


December 15, 2021

Holiday Gift Guide - My Favorite Items of 2021


December 7, 2021

More Articles

Ready to Have Your Most Productive Week Yet?

Snag my 4-Step Guide!

Get my 4-step guide!

Recent Blog Posts

October 26, 2022

Review of The Solo Tib Bar from The Tib Bar Guy

January 7, 2022


December 15, 2021

What's The Healthiest Sugar?

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