1:1 Private Coaching

Ready to break old patterns, drop the self-sabotaging behaviors, & commit to transforming your health from the inside-out? If so, we should talk!

1:1 Private Coaching

You're an ambitious individual, and what you want is to...

  • Finally drop the diet guilt (and weight with it!)
  • Love your body authentically and sustainably
  • Learn methods to release your stress no matter the situation
  • Transform your relationship with your body
  • Feel more confident through your days
  • Crush your goals with mental clarity & focus
  • Find balance across all areas of life
  • Create a sustainable and lasting change
  • Claim your victory

If you’re fed up with feeling out-of-control and directionless in your health, or powerless in portions of your life, I think it’s time we set up a call. I help you to cut through the B.S. to bring you honest coaching that works with your unique body & mind so you can achieve the victory you know you’re capable of.

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My Promise to You:

No Cookie Cutter Programs. No Detox Cleanses.

Just a real, sustainable, and personalized program, made uniquely for you to Be Victorious.

What to Expect:

Working with me will give you the support, guidance and accountability you need to achieve the victory you know you’re capable of.

  • I support you in finding a personalized health plan that fits your busy lifestyle
  • I will guide you on mindset practices to set you up for success
  • I will support you through the good times AND the bad - positive reframing is my specialty :)

During our Be Victorious Consultation Call, we will discuss your goals, and what might be standing in the way of you accomplishing them. Then we will start to devise a customized strategy to help you get to where you want to be. No matter what, you will walk away motivated with new ideas and action-items to get you started on your strongest path. Ready to get started?

Apply Now

How we begin coaching in 3 simple steps:

1. 1-Minute Discovery Application

Fill out the application below to set up your free Be Victorious Consultation Call and clarify your needs so we can dive right into the good stuff

2. Zero-Obligation Consultation Call

During our call, we will set aside time to discuss your goals, and what might be standing in the way of you accomplishing them. Then we will start to devise a customized strategy to help you get to where you want to be.

3. If it’s a match

If at the end of our conversation, we both feel like we’re a good fit, we can discuss options to work together that best fit your personal needs.

Ready to Have Your Most Productive Week Yet? Snag my 4-Step Guide!

If you ever find yourself lacking time and energy to focus on what matters (like hitting the gym and eating healthy meals), you need my easy-to-implement guide.

Simply click on the button to below to fill in your info and I'll send you my top 4 hacks to help you crush your week and your goals!

Get my 4-step guide!

What can you expect from me as your coach?

  • Dedication to your success
  • I only offer recommendations from an evidence based starting point. I won’t recommend anything that hasn’t been in a peer reviewed study
  • Active, focused listening so I can help you breakthrough and uncover new discoveries along your path
  • 100% personalization for your body, mind and lifestyle
  • Support through the good and more importantly, the bad. Even if you relapse or have a bad day, I will offer you a perspective shift to get you back on the right track
Apply & schedule a call

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Hey there!

My name is Victoria Dorsano, a Professional & Certified Life and Health Coach who has been on a mission to help my clients drop the fad-diet approach and achieve sustainable, lifelong success.

But why should you trust me?

Because I’ve been through so much of the same pain, confusion and frustration during my own journey, but came out with a framework that truly works to shift the story and build a better, more victorious life.

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